
Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Cell

Intellectual property refers to creations of the mind: inventions, literary and artistic works, symbols, names, pictures, models and industrial designs.

Intellectual property is divided into two categories: Industrial Property, which includes: inventions (patents), trademarks, industrial designs and models and geographic indications of source.

Copyright, which includes: literary and artistic works, namely novels, poems, plays, films, musicals, cartoons, paintings, photographs, statues and architectural designs.

An IPR Cell was formed in Basanti Devi College with following Objectives:
  • To promote awareness about Intellectual Property Rights.
  • To educate faculty about the procedure of patent filing.
  • To conduct seminars/workshops on intellectual property rights to create awareness among students and teachers.
  • To promote start-up ventures in the College Campus.

IPR Committee Members:
  • Dr. Indrila Guha, Principal (Chairperson)
  • Dr. Sumana Chatterjee, Associate Professor in Chemistry (Coordinator)
  • Dr. Sanchita Roy, Assistant professor in Chemistry (Joint Coordinator)

Title/Topic Link
Report of IPR Cell. Report

IPR Cell Events: