Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)

Quality Policy

Basanti Devi College has established a fully functional Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) in 2004 to enhance and sustain institutional quality. The IQAC of the college plays a pivotal role in internalizing quality, submitting self-reviewed annual quality assurance reports to NAAC and creating awareness of quality issues for external evaluation credibility.

  • To channelize the institutional efforts towards promoting holistic education to young women from all sections of the society.
  • To develop self-reliant and competent women by identifying and nurturing their potential through appropriate interventions.
IQAC Quality Policy:
  • To adopt parameters for upgrading and sustaining excellence in academic and administrative processes.
  • To implement contemporary practices in teaching and learning consistent with the dynamic academic environment.
  • To promote quality enhancement techniques and procedures to seek a continual improvement for an effective and efficient evaluation system.
  • Implementation of most effective measures/resources by integrating conventional teaching, learning and assessing methodologies.
  • Planning Workshops, Seminars and conferences on quality related issues .
  • Collection of feedback from stakeholders, analysis of feedback responses and formulation of Action Plan based on suggestions from the stakeholders.
  • To compile and submit data for AQAR, SSR, NIRF, AISHE adhering to the framework prescribed by NAAC and other assessing bodies.
  • To conduct Academic and Administrative Audit regularly.