
Research Publications of Teachers (June 2021-June 2022)

Research Publications for the Year
Sl. No. Name of the Teacher & Department Title of the Paper Name of the Journal ISSN/ISBN Date of Publication
1. Farha Khatun
Dept. of Physics
Bio-polymer poly (lactic acid) thin film-based K-ionassociated photo-rechargeable power cell J Mater sci: Mater Electron 0957-4522 (print); 1573-482X (web) 22.11.2021
2. Ananya Mitra
Dept. of Sanskrit
Samskrito deshe bideshe It is a Book ISBN:978-81-247-0796-8 August, 2021
3. Arpita Nath
Dept. of Sanskrit
ভারতীয় সংস্কৃতিভাবনায় উপনিষদ্ ও রবীন্দ্রমননের সমন্বয়সাধন KHOAI (UGC Care Listed Journal- Arts and Humanities) ISSN-2319-8389, Vol:44, Issue-44 08.08.2021
4. Arpita Nath
Dept. of Sanskrit
Lokayataprasthane Vyaptikhandansamikshanam International Journal of Sanskrit Research (Ananta) ISSN-2394-7519 August, 2021
5. Arpita Nath
Dept. of Sanskrit
Principles of Gatayoga as approved by Hathayoga-A Study in the Light of Gherandasamhita Pracya ISSN-2278-4004 September, 2021
6. Arpita Nath
Dept. of Sanskrit
Socio-Religious Concepts of Kalidasa National Journal of Hindi & Sanskrit Research ISSN- 2454-9177 Nov-Dec, 2021
7. Arpita Nath
Dept. of Sanskrit
ঋগ্বেদীয় দেবীসূক্তে দেবীমাহাত্ম্যবিশ্লেষণ Khoai,VOL-46, Issue-46 ISSN -2319-8389, Vol-46, Issue-46 23.12.2021
8. Arpita Nath
Dept. of Sanskrit
বিবেকানন্দের আলোকে ভক্তিতত্ত্বসমীক্ষা এবং মহুয়া N.A. Dec, 2021
9. Arpita Nath
Dept. of Sanskrit
অগ্নিপুরাণে কাব্যতত্ত্বস্বরূপবিচার Ebong Amra (এবং আমরা) ISSN-2394-4927 January, 2022
10. Dr. Soumita Modak A new nonparametric interpoint distance-based measure for assessment of clustering; A new measure for assessment of clustering based on kernel density estimation; Clustering of eclipsing binary light curves through functional principal component analysis Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation; Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods; Astrophysics and Space Science 0094-9655; 1532-415X; 1572-946X 03 Mar, 2022;
01 Feb, 2022;
21 Feb, 2022
11. Soumyadip Bose ক্ষীরের পুতুল: ফিরে পড়া শিশু কিশোর সাহিত্য: সকালবেলার আলোয় দেখা (Book) 978-93-92110-46-7 December, 2021
12. Soumyadip Bose বাংলার গণপতি উপাসনা : প্রসঙ্গ ব্রতাচার ও পূজা-পার্বণ টেরাকোটা (বিশেষ গণেশ সংখ্যা) 2348-6392 August, 2021
13. Md Golam Masud Dielectric relaxation and scaling of AC conductivity observed in mixed valence perovskite Eu2CoMnO6 Journal of Advanced Dielectrics ISSN (print): 2010-135X | ISSN (online) 20.11.2021
14. Dr. Soumita Modak Clustering of eclipsing binary light curves through functional principal component analysis; A new nonparametric interpoint distance-based measure for assessment of clustering; A new measure for assessment of clustering based on kernel density estimation. Astrophysics and Space Science; Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation; Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods. ISSN: 0004-640X; 0094-9655; 0361-0926 2022;
3rd Mar, 2022;
15. Dr. Swarnabha Bala জ্যোতিরিন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর: প্রসঙ্গ শিক্ষাচিন্তা সন্ধিৎসা ISSN 2395-2903 February 2022