Academia (Academic Journal)

Aims & Scope

'Academia : Basanti Devi College' is a scholarly and academic journal having its individual ISSN number. The journal is multidisciplinary and encourages research in all branches of Science, Arts and Philosophy, thus arousing the interest of all sections of the educated class. The articles published in the journal are original and explorative, providing new approaches and ideas in different spheres of learning. Due to its multidisciplinary nature, the journal has a wide scope, for we invite original and previously unpublished articles from different faculty members of the academic community. The journal is thus borderless, as it gives scope to all scholars from all academic disciplines to contribute their research on their varied areas of interest.

Moreover, emphasis is given on the quality of the articles published in the journal and in order to maintain a high academic standard a rigourous selection process is adopted. Selected articles are then edited meticulously and the proofs checked and approved by the members of the Editorial Board of 'Academia : Basanti Devi College' before the final print. The journal has indeed gone a long way in encouraging research among members of the teaching community, involving contributions from colleges/ universities both from inside and outside the state.

In future we aim to widen the scope of the journal by publishing international academic articles as well.