Academia (Academic Journal)

Ethics and Policy

Once in two years publication of the journal 'Academia : Basanti Devi College' is, we believe, one of the finest achievements of Basanti Devi College, Kolkata. Apart from its academic excellence which is strictly maintained, the Principal of our College, Dr. Indrila Guha, and the other members of the Editorial Board of this journal meticulously adhere to all the rules and regulations that need to be followed by a journal with an ISSN number. Only previously unpublished, independent and original research work is published and any kind of plagiarism is firmly discouraged. The Board members are keenly aware that a journal' s reputation depends on its academic and ethical standards and no compromise is made in these spheres.

All articles that are published go through the process of double blind peer- review (with the exception of the last issue that could not be peer-reviewed due to the pandemic).

There is close cooperation between the Principal, the Board members and the printer of this journal. It is the policy of the Board to ensure that the quality of paper and print are of a very high standard. The call for papers is made every year and sufficient time is given to the contributors to submit their articles.

The time of publication of the journal is consistently maintained. Thus, while ensuring excellence in the quality of articles published, it is the policy of the Editorial Board to maintain regularity and consistency regarding the publication of the journal. This consistency and discipline were all the more striking when the Editorial Board decided to publish its latest issue despite the extenuating circumstances of the raging pandemic and the loss of innumerable lives especially in 2021 during the second wave of Covid 19. However, there was a slight change in the policy adopted by the Board. Instead of calling for papers from teachers of different disciplines of colleges and universities, it was decided that this present issue would contain original papers that teachers had presented at different Seminars and Conferences in the past, which were previously unpublished. These articles were then subjected to meticulous proof- reading by the Board before being accepted for publication. Thus ethical standards were maintained as usual, in compliance with the policy of the Editorial Board, despite the lockdown of educational institutions that often proved extremely inconvenient for the successful completion of this Project. Nevertheless, we were heartened to see that our joint efforts and determination finally bore fruit. The latest journal was published in time, and all requirements of quality, academic excellence and ethical standards were scrupulously maintained.

We look forward to many more editions of 'Academia : Basanti Devi College' to be published in future with the encouragement and active cooperation of our Principal and other members of the Editorial Board, as well as that of our learned and research- oriented contributors.