Academia (Academic Journal)

Current Issue / 2023

Academia for the Year/Session
'Academia: Basanti Devi College', our biannual Peer-reviewed academic journal, is a source of immense satisfaction and a noteworthy milestone in our academic journey. This publication sheds light on the extensive research endeavors of our esteemed teaching faculty, showcasing their unwavering dedication to continuous scholarly engagement alongside their regular responsibilities. The commendation from successive NAAC teams in 2004 and 2012 underscores the significance of this academic commitment within our institution. While the current volume effectively represents the high quality of conducted research, it is crucial to acknowledge its non-exhaustive nature. Special attention has been directed towards highlighting the scholarly contributions of our young teachers, providing a platform for their valuable insights. I am confident that future volumes will expand on this foundation, offering a more comprehensive and nuanced depiction of the thriving academic landscape at our college. Expressing gratitude for the overwhelming response from paper contributors, I anticipate a continued influx of insightful contributions that will further enrich our readership. The peer-review process will be rigorously maintained to ensure the academic integrity of the content. Our commitment to showcasing the academic work of our teaching faculty and collaborators from other institutions will persist in forthcoming volumes, providing an increasingly comprehensive view of the rich academic activity at Basanti Devi College. Wishing Academia: Basanti Devi College continued success

Dr. Indrila Guha

"Indian women in different walks of life" - The academic journal of Basanti Devi College matured into its fourth volume with a "Thrust" area for the first time.From the call of papers to the final publication it took one full year to curate this volume.It was not because of dearth of manuscripts submitted, manuscripts kept flying in even from overseas,but in the pursuit of keeping a unified theme,topics clashed, language suffered and the style wavered.It was truly a back-breaking job for the reviewers and editors to peer-review and streamline those articles into a pattern that remaining true to its theme will still have enough variety to entice the readers while maintaining proper academic standards. Whether we have succeeded in our endeavours or not is for the global pool of academicians to judge; as our journal has gone online with an ISSN,since the last issue and could be accessed from any corner of the world. Just to give a run-through on what this volume offers-There are articles on illiterate public performers who touched the pinnacle of fame by grit and talent alone,to erudite scholars who broke the glass ceiling with their academic pursuits,one of them being our very own Dr.Meenakshi Chatterjee,whom we lost just a year ago.There are articles on high priests who transcended the barrier of religion to become a guiding light to people irrespective of their faith.There are articles on film-makers,singers actors scientists, everyone of them who made promising contribution to their field of works ,'inspite of 'or 'because' they were women. Besides that there are some articles which discuss women as a whole and their place in society, as portrayed through paintings, films and citizenship. We earnestly hope this collection will present a cohesive document to readers and will become a volume to be cherished by anyone trying to get a better insight in the achievement and challenges faced by Indian women in different walks of life.

Dr.Sumana Chatterjee
on behalf of the Editorial Board