About Us

Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Challenges (SWOC)

Institutional Strength:
  • Sixty-Four years of proven track record in producing meritorious students for the local, national and global needs.
  • Proactive, Visionary and Supportive Management.
  • Dedicated, highly qualified and experienced teaching staff and supportive non-teaching staff.
  • Inclusiveness and equitable access to all sectors of academics and administrative services are important institutional strengths.
  • Apart from 16 UG and 2 PG Programmes, the College ensures effective curriculum planning with 51 certificate/ value-added Programmes.
  • Successful implementation of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) and various experiential learning strategies.
  • E-Learning Management System beyond classroom teaching.
  • Tutorial/Remedial classes are conducted for the slow learners.
  • Bright students are encouraged to attend conferences, workshops and appear for paper presentations.
  • The institution adopts Inclusive and Exclusive Approach towards imparting knowledge, concentrating on Professional Ethics, Human Values and other cross cutting issues like Gender Sensitization and Environmental Sustainability.
  • Adequate infrastructure, well-resourced laboratories (Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Psychology &Communicative English) &Wi-Fi enabled campus with CCTV surveillance.
  • High speed internet facility and good number of ICT enabled classrooms.
  • Resourceful Central Library with updated books, journals, newspapers and e-resources.
  • Our Central Library offers 'Earn While You Learn' Scheme (EWL) for needy students.
  • Promote innovation in the Institution through various innovation and entrepreneurship-related activities.
  • Financial support and free studentship to needy students.
  • Effective mentoring, counseling and value-based education for students.
  • Educational Excursions (Industrial Visit), Field trips, Exhibition for enhancement of knowledge even if they are not included in the University curriculum.
  • The institute has more than 20 MoU(s) including one MoU with University.
  • Barrier-free environment for physically-challenged students/staff with the aids of wheel-chair, ramp, elevator and washroom.
  • Regular Sports and Cultural Activities.
  • Well-equipped Auditorium for conducting different seminars, workshops, conferences, meetings and cultural programmes.
  • Strong Grievance redressal Cell, Anti ragging cell &Internal Complaints Committee (IC) motivate students to voice their opinions for attaining excellence.
  • The vibrant NSS and NCC Units of the college organizes programs and engage in social outreach and community service activities round the year.
  • Basic yoga and self-defense training for students.
  • Personality Development Programmes offered for students with an aim to provide ABC (A - Attitudinal change, B -Behavioral transformation and C - Competency building).
  • Registered Alumni of the college takes keen interest in the development of the college and offer help in various capacities.
  • College canteen provides nutritious food to students and staff at reasonable rates.
  • Online feedback from students and other stakeholders gives a direction to the college for further quality improvement.

Institutional Weakness:
  • Limited Autonomy in Syllabus Design (being an affiliated college).
  • Lack of industry-academia interface.
  • Lack of funded projects for research from government agencies.
  • Being situated in a densely populated part of the city we do not have adequate space for a playground.

Institutional Opportunity:
  • Campus placement and internship opportunities.
  • More seminars and workshops on research methodology and entrepreneurship can be arranged.

Institutional Challenge:
  • Declining student-enrolment ratio as students and guardians prefer professional to traditional education.
  • Lack of interest among students towards higher studies including research programme.
  • The institution is seriously scouting for land to set up a second campus to start new courses and begin P.G courses in some subjects.